source code analysis
Hackthebox - Networked
· ☕ 4 min read · 👤 Hong
Networked is an Easy difficulty Linux box vulnerable to file upload bypass, leading to code execution. Due to improper sanitization, a crontab running as the user can be exploited to achieve command execution. The user has privileges to execute a network configuration script, which can be leveraged to execute commands as root.

Hackthebox - Friendzone
· ☕ 12 min read · 👤 Hong
FriendZone is an easy difficulty Linux box which needs fair amount enumeration. By doing a zone transfer vhosts are discovered. There are open shares on samba which provides credentials for an admin panel. From there, an LFI is found which is leveraged to get RCE. A cron is found running which uses a writable module, making it vulnerable to hijacking.