Hackthebox - Bastard
· ☕ 12 min read · 👤 Hong
Bastard is not overly challenging, however it requires some knowledge of PHP in order to modify and use the proof of concept required for initial entry. This machine demonstrates the potential severity of vulnerabilities in content management systems.

Hackthebox - Networked
· ☕ 4 min read · 👤 Hong
Networked is an Easy difficulty Linux box vulnerable to file upload bypass, leading to code execution. Due to improper sanitization, a crontab running as the user can be exploited to achieve command execution. The user has privileges to execute a network configuration script, which can be leveraged to execute commands as root.

Hackthebox - Friendzone
· ☕ 12 min read · 👤 Hong
FriendZone is an easy difficulty Linux box which needs fair amount enumeration. By doing a zone transfer vhosts are discovered. There are open shares on samba which provides credentials for an admin panel. From there, an LFI is found which is leveraged to get RCE. A cron is found running which uses a writable module, making it vulnerable to hijacking.

Hackthebox - Tartarsauce
· ☕ 9 min read · 👤 Hong
TartarSauce is a fairly challenging box that highlights the importance of a broad remote enumeration instead of focusing on obvious but potentially less fruitful attack vectors. It features a quite realistic privilege escalation requiring abuses of the tar command. Attention to detail when reviewing tool output is beneficial when attempting this machine.

Hackthebox - Sense
· ☕ 5 min read · 👤 Hong
Sense, while not requiring many steps to complete, can be challenging for some as the proof of concept exploit that is publicly available is very unreliable. An alternate method using the same vulnerability is required to successfully gain access.

Hackthebox - Cronos
· ☕ 4 min read · 👤 Hong
CronOS focuses mainly on different vectors for enumeration and also emphasises the risks associated with adding world-writable files to the root crontab. This machine also includes an introductory-level SQL injection vulnerability.

Hackthebox - Beep
· ☕ 7 min read · 👤 Hong
Beep has a very large list of running services, which can make it a bit challenging to find the correct entry method. This machine can be overwhelming for some as there are many potential attack vectors. Luckily, there are several methods available for gaining access.