Hackthebox - Grandpa
· ☕ 7 min read · 👤 Hong
Grandpa is one of the simpler machines on Hack The Box, however it covers the widely-exploited CVE-2017-7269. This vulnerability is trivial to exploit and granted immediate access to thousands of IIS servers around the globe when it became public knowledge.

Hackthebox - Arctic
· ☕ 5 min read · 👤 Hong
Arctic is fairly straightforward, however the load times on the web server pose a few challenges for exploitation. Basic troubleshooting is required to get the correct exploit functioning properly.

Hackthebox - Granny
· ☕ 14 min read · 👤 Hong
Granny, while similar to Grandpa, can be exploited using several different methods. The intended method of solving this machine is the widely-known Webdav upload vulnerability.

Hackthebox - Jarvis
· ☕ 11 min read · 👤 Hong
Jarvis is a medium difficulty Linux box running a web server, which has DoS and brute force protection enabled. A page is found to be vulnerable to SQL injection, which requires manual exploitation. This service allows the writing of a shell to the web root for the foothold. The www user is allowed to execute a script as another user, and the script is vulnerable to command injection. On further enumeration, systemctl is found to have the SUID bit set, which is leveraged to gain a root shell.

Hackthebox - Tartarsauce
· ☕ 9 min read · 👤 Hong
TartarSauce is a fairly challenging box that highlights the importance of a broad remote enumeration instead of focusing on obvious but potentially less fruitful attack vectors. It features a quite realistic privilege escalation requiring abuses of the tar command. Attention to detail when reviewing tool output is beneficial when attempting this machine.

Hackthebox - Sunday
· ☕ 16 min read · 👤 Hong
Sunday is a fairly simple machine, however it uses fairly old software and can be a bit unpredictable at times. It mainly focuses on exploiting the Finger service as well as the use of weak credentials.