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Hackthebox - Irked
· ☕ 6 min read · 👤 Hong
Irked is a pretty simple and straight-forward box which requires basic enumeration skills. It shows the need to scan all ports on machines and to investigate any out of the place binaries found while enumerating a system.

Hackthebox - Poison
· ☕ 4 min read · 👤 Hong
Poison is a fairly easy machine which focuses mainly on log poisoning and port forwarding/tunneling. The machine is running FreeBSD which presents a few challenges for novice users as many common binaries from other distros are not available.

Hackthebox - Node
· ☕ 14 min read · 👤 Hong
Node focuses mainly on newer software and poor configurations. The machine starts out seemingly easy, but gets progressively harder as more access is gained. In-depth enumeration is required at several steps to be able to progress further into the machine.