Directory Enum
Brute force -> /department
login: admin | password: 1q2w3e4r5t
- https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/24044
- After getting access into →
- Found LFI in notes=files/ninevehNotes.txt
- Create a New Database hack.php
- Create a new table and insert a text field with default value:
- We can rename the database to ninevehNotes.php
- Visiting → notes=/var/tmp/ninevehNotes.php
Reverse Shell
- Edit the table with the following
Interactive Shell
Privelege Escalation
- There is a report folder
- Found sshd but there was no ssh during nmap
- Google chkrootkit → https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/33899
Port Knocking
- There was no port 22 in port enumeration
- https://github.com/grongor/knock
- Sequence 571, 290, 911
Skills Learned
- HTTP-based brute forcing
- Chaining exploits
- Local file inclusion
- Port knocking