Directory Enum
LFI Exploit
- Search google Elastix exploit
- →https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/37637 (Local File Inclusion exploit)
- Go to →
- Right click → View Selection Source (View in nice format)
- Password used in multiple ocasion → jEhdIekWmdjE
- Creds for login to Elastix: → admin : jEhdIekWmdjE
- Another login page →
- root : jEhdIekWmdjE
Escalate Privileges
- After loging-in into →
- Go to Cluster → Cluster Shell Commands
Escalate Privileges and Exploit 2
Source → https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18650
Escalate Root
Skills Learned
- Web-based fuzzing
- Identifying known exploits
- Exploiting local file inclusion